@Teamates Hello ADB! A lot of you probably know who I am by now, but for those who don’t, I’m Shio, I’m one of your mods, and I’m here to just talk to all of you a bit, since Pride Month is starting.
It’s been a hell of a year since the last one, and I know the future is looking uncertain for a lot of us, especially my fellow trans people. So in light of that, I just want to say to all of the LGBTQ members of this server: I am so god damn proud of every single one of you. We’ve all endured a lot, and I want you all to know that this server, as small as it may be in the grand scheme of things, will always strive to welcome and support you. We might just be a silly vtuber server, but I think the community we’ve fostered is incredible, and I’m so proud of how far it’s come in terms of acceptance.
There was a time when I didn’t feel comfortable talking about being a trans woman here, because I felt like I would get criticism for it, or people would laugh at me. That was a couple years ago, and in that time we’ve gone from a server with users who could be almost openly offensive towards the LGBT community to a server which has a no-tolerance policy for that kind of behavior, with countless regulars able to openly discuss their identity proudly. I’m really happy that we in staff have been able to push that change through, and I’m proud of all our other regulars for being so supportive of all of those of us in the LGBT community, you’re all great people.
I’m not great at finishing these sorts of things, and I got a bit rambly, but I guess I’ll end by saying that even though things might look rough right now, and even though a lot of us aren’t in the best positions, I know that we can all pull through together, and I promise that ADB will always try to be a server that everyone, regardless of who they are and what they identify as, can enjoy.
Happy Pride Month, ADB, I love you guys.