>>50779417They need to absolutely flood EN with new talents then start culling the shit ones. From Myth, I think basically Ina is the only keeper and that's only because she's a relatively safe bet streamer who streams 3 - 4 times a week average and doesn't create drama. Kiara, I think they just need to straight up move her to being a JP talent because she just is the absolute bottom of the barrel for the EN. The rest of Myth, toss em, they're washed up.
For Councilrys, again, keep the safe bet person who actually streams, Fauna. Irys, move her over to JP as well, she's essentially already a part time JPer. The rest of them, again, disposable nothings.
Then, put out at least two generations a year until they have at least 20 talents so there aren't so many dead days without anyone. Make sure the new people come in with contractual obligations too. At least 3 streams a week AND 15 hours worth of streams a week being the absolute minimum. 3 strikes and they're immediately fired as well. That's literally asking them to treat Hololive as a part time job. I'm well past tired of people acting like these are the busiest people that have ever existed on their 5 hours of streaming a week. The rest of us are out here working 40 hour jobs or going to school and working. We all also have to take care of our homes / responsibilities and yes even families for some of us. Streaming 15 hours a week and raking in 6 figures a year is a damn dream come true for the average person.