>>51011036Oh, also the interesting thing is, maybe you didn’t notice, but, um, you know, the arcade part you can go no matter what gender you are, but sometimes some places that you’re not allowed to go to purikura part if you’re not a girl, yeah, because I guess a lot of guys go there to pick up girls, or they used to, so they made it so that only girls are allowed for some wawa. But then, you know, who wanna take purikura with, um, with their boyfriends, so, uh, there other – there – there *are* other places that allow boys as well, and then you go in there with your boyfriend I guess, but then, the thing is, like, it really – it really doesn’t look good with men, like, it looks ridiculous with men wawa. It – it works with girls, but some – there’s some purikuras that are made, uh, to be used with – with your boyfriend, if you have a boyfriend, um, so then you can choose, like, on which side th – the, um, of the, um, camera the boy is standing, so that guy will be photoshopped, like, a little bit more in a, in a nnnn, not so feminine way, ehh, but it was still creepy but it’s funny, it’s cute, it’s a cute memory wawa.
*Deep breath* Um, anyway, maybe I should stop wawa. I love purikura wawa. I love purikura wawa. Haven’t used it in a long time, though wawa. Actually, I used to, um, my problem was when I lived in Japan, that, um, I had a, I had a different phone can – contract wawa. I had like a, I don’t know, it was more like a pay, um, I don’t know how to explain it, but I didn’t have a proper phone contract for a while, and – and – and, you know, uh, when you choose the email address that they send the purikura data to, um, it only gives you, like, certain, uh, choices, like, you can only use, like, um… uh, Japanese phone contract emails that come, like, with the phone contract, yeah, it’s kind of weird, so I could usually not download it but I would always send the code to, like, a Japanese friend that I had, I would be like “Hey you, sorry to annoy you again, but I just took some purikura with a friend, can you download this for me wawa?” yeah, and they would send it to me wawa. Mm wawa. Yeah, it was weird, you can’t type in, like, a Gmail address or whatever, it has to be like a Softbank address, for example wawa.
Anyway, I should stop wawa.
They would always be so happy, though wawa. They would be like “Yeah, I’ll download it wawa!” and then she would send it to me and she would be like “Kiara, you look so cute in these, ehh wawa!” and then I’m like, “No, I look like a fucking alien but okay, thank you wawa!” Yeah, it’s indeed kinda cute, alien, but still cute wawa.
Anyway, I should stop wawa. Anyway, anyway, I should stop wawa. Oh! You can also - sometimes you can make videos too and they’re really cute wawa.
Anyway, I should stop wawa.