>>51349584Alright, since you need it spelled out:
You saw how she took it when her grandfather died, and all over again when Marley died?
Her grandmother will die likely within the next 10 years, and Otis's lifespan is within a few years of that.
These things are inevitable, and they will devastate her.
Shondo is what 22 now, or thereabouts? When she's getting into her 30's you think she'll still be able to do this loli schtick?
How bout her 40's.
People talk up the "shon shon is forever, streaming granny I'll orbit you forever" meme but it's just that.
How many 40 year old women do you pay attention to right now? None? Surprise surprise, that doesn't change.
What will she do when her siblings move away? When her mom dies? How many of your immediate family have you buried? Do you know personally how difficult that is? Imagine doing that with no one.
It's a lonely 40 after 40 if you don't have family and she's setting herself up to never have one.
But she doesn't think about that. She thinks this can go on forever, and that she'll always feel the way about us and streaming and irl relationships as she does right now.
She doesn't take care of her health at all, and after the damage she's already done, it will rapidly deteriorate in her 30s if she doesn't establish better nutrition/sleep habits, and soon.
All this, without taking into account anything related to her being schizo. Literally just assuming schizo meds keep working and nothing else in her life goes wrong whatsoever. And you know what her luck is like.
She isn't doing anything to develop irl relationships or support systems, and men don't care about women they're not exclusively romantically involved with after they hit the wall. What's more, with her health being what it is, she will likely hit it very hard.
Usually by the time women making these mistakes realize it, it's too late. But maybe it's different for her as a streamer right? Maybe she'll still have eager suitors when she's 35 and can choose one to close this chapter of her life and move on gracefully to the next.
If she doesn't make these decisions in her life, time will make them for her, and nature is exceptionally cruel in this regard.
You all seem to consider your imouto wife only as your wife. Hungrily, with a deep longing, and lust.
Maybe you think her never having any irl prospects is good. Then she'll be with you forever right?
If you truly cared for her you would see that maybe you should let that go, and treat her like your precious imouto, like the baby sister you're looking out for, whose best interests you have at heart.
Even if that means you have to sacrifice your own selfish desire to be loved by her, and suffer her ire for telling her things she doesn't want to hear.
I take no pleasure in saying these things. I do so out of concern for her wellbeing.
Maybe it's not as bad as I think. Maybe she goes her whole life somehow being totally content with life. I would love that.
I hope to God that I'm be proven wrong and shown a fool for worrying.
However, this and far worse has been true for many women in better situations and with a better support network than her.
And what does she have?
Her community, who often seem like nothing but crying emoji yes-men who don't think further than their dick, and certainly wouldn't give her this sort of reality check or dare tell her hard truths if it meant they could be parasocially comforted a bit a few times a week.
> inb4 "not your place"I know. But what other chances does she have then? None of us can save her if she doesn't want to be saved.
It's structure she would have been given by her father, if she had a decent one.
She's already been through so many awful things. I just want her to be spared as much pain as possible, taken care of, and to have a good life. I don't need it to be with me.