>>5158204So actually looking into things, your math is wrong. In the Chronicles of Darkness CRB (this is the game they are playing) it says this about hitting things with vehicles.
"This occurs when a vehicle hits something equal to or less than half its Size. The light object suffers one tenth the vehicle’s Speed in bashing damage, plus half its Size (rounded down)."
Roadkill reads "When you try to run someone over, Knock Down even if you miss, and double your velocity bonus." so double the damage there.
Also "If the driver is actively trying to strike the light object, make a Dexterity + Drive roll, penalized by Defense if ap-plicable. Failure means the vehicle fails to hit. Successes are added to the damage caused to the victim, but not to the driver and passengers." so if she rolls a perfect roll of 1d10 (Hooks defense is 6) all successes, thats another 1 damage.
SO, 105/10 = 10.5 = 10 damage, double that to 20 damage, 2 size bonus (lets assume Hook is as small as he can be which is 5), plus 1 damage for the drive check bringing it to 23 damage. Assuming Yuul strapped iron to the front, that would all be aggravated damage.
Hooks maximum health is 17. 23 Aggravated damage to the face instantly splats Hook across the pavement. Even if the armor he has prevents the aggravated damage, this still does 19 damage. Of course, if Yuul didnt put iron on the front of her car then this does absolutely nothing.