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Heavy parasociality

No.51552784 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's almost as if every single thread I actively try to become enemy of the /vt/ state...
Anyways, what the hell is up with ppl being SO fucking parasocial?
Not even slightly, no. More like, heavily. Imagine-

>go onto favorite content sharing platform
>see content creator
>click on content by said creator
>feel entitled to their attention when in reality all that I am is a fucking couple of statistics on their screen
>get hurt when they don't give me the attention I think I deserve
>fall in love anyway

What the hell?
I get that a heavy bit of why vchubbas are actually popular is the slight parasociality in the type of content they provide - but holy shit do some people get crazy over it.

Like: No, the content creator that WASN'T even remotely trying to flirt w you DIDN'T cuck you when they got a partner, you are just a sad being suffering from not being able to find real love.

Anyways, yeah.
Ready for the pitchforks, come at me luvz