One thing I don't get about yesbuds on twitter is the "SHE CAME BACK WITH 1000 MVs AND 232030230 PROJECTS, SHE'S NOT LAZY". Literally a karaoke tier MVs made by kanauru (all the dance, production and everything besides the vocals made by him) and a video made by Dudul with an original song THAT WAS PLANNED FOR DECEMBER OF LAST YEAR WITH JAZZ REFLECT VERSION. First that's not "5 MVs", that's 2, 1 made for her birthday like a concert from kanauru (all the videos shared the same producer and purpose, her birthday. It's not 4 MVs in 1 MV, it's all made at the same time) and 1 from dudul. And it's not 1 month without streaming, since NOVEMBER of last year she has streamed 15/16 times in +180 days, and , the most important thing about it, promising to come back like 3 times already. I don't care about the numbers of streams, mainly because I'm not a chumbud, but when you lie to your audience and the go back to do the same thing over and over again, not for "1 month" , but for almost 2 years now, that is just disrespectful, at least she noticed about this and stopped promising things (movie may was the last one). Her "projects" are literally things that every talent is doing, holosummer (holoEN ID and JP) and the concert, maybe just the LIVE that we may see next year. The view of the antis and the yesbuds is just as retarded, and every discussion end with a "she doesn't owe you anything", then she doesn't deserve to be treated as another human being and I can treat her as a product, and as a product I only see flaws everywhere that are saved by having a public that would buy and approve everything she does without criticizing or saying anything to her, it's not like she cares either