>>5186896there is none.
People hate nyanners because she said on tumblr in 2015 that she hates lolicon stuff and "betrayed" her 4chan fans and now she's appealing to the same demographic she once talked badly about.
Her vtuber group vshojo is known for being full of girls that make shit jokes about sex and cock and cum
people don't want that sort of influence in hololive.
In practice nyanners is just a weeb girl trying to get by who made mistakes in the past. People treat this situation like it's going to be the end for Hololive EN and permanently change EN's culture, which is the same whining they did about Mori Calliope's collab with the Trash Taste podcast that ended up being of no consequence.
They're super mad that trantruming on twitter didn't cause the vshojo collab to be cancelled altogether, all they got was Veibae being cut from the collab.
Since they couldn't get exactly what they wanted they're going to bitch and shit and moan until they feel like they've gotten what they want.