[317 / 57 / 23]

3MiB, 960x1280, スーパーチャットの解禁の仕方が_わからなくて出オチしてるなう_遊びにきてね!!!!!!❤️_🔥🔥.gif
Quoted By: >>52028518
Happy Birthday Top Sis!
>What is /indie/?
/indie/ is dedicated to the small and hopeful that may otherwise not get attention. It's here that you'll be able to shill your obscure oshis, save all the 2views and platform smaller companies beyond the scope of the catalog.
Previous thread:>>51491616
>What is /indie/?
/indie/ is dedicated to the small and hopeful that may otherwise not get attention. It's here that you'll be able to shill your obscure oshis, save all the 2views and platform smaller companies beyond the scope of the catalog.
Previous thread:>>51491616