>>5218054It's pretty fun if you like cardgames, somewhere between Hearthstone and Yugioh with anime-style art. It's also pretty cheap to get in to / decently easy to F2P. Balance isn't perfect but it's alright.
>>5218423In the past for a bo3 series the 1st game was fully coached, 2nd game the coach could only speak during odd turns and 3rd game was the players all by themselves, might be slightly changed this time around since the format is different.
>>5219256Eh, nobody I know of frequents 4chan and likely would rather check /svg/ than coming to /vt/. Also I think it's pretty logical that everyone in production would get paid, I don't think that's a shocker. Posting a small screencap without any information isn't a big deal and I can always argue that I'm promoting the event.