>>52258486You don't have leftovers? You're like cooking a single serving for yourself, you're gonna take the time-
You're gonna take the time to cook something for yourself, which is gonna take like 20 minutes maybe longer depending, but you're only gonna make one serving?
[Yes]? You're gonna have to cook like every day, like twice a day, maybe three times a day?
Cook one serving breakfast, cook one serving lunch, cook one serving dinner? Yes?
And you're saying 20 minutes is fast? You guys need to optimize your lives
This is- they're spending too much time cooking- you should just make more servings
And then you can eat leftovers and you don't have to spend so much time cooking- you can just eat your leftovers for lunch the next day
you don't have to cook again- [let them cook] I mean- if you want to.
Really you guys aren't eating leftovers- what do you eat for lunch if you're working? Do you buy your lunch?
A sandwich? Okay that makes sense you could pack that in the morning
I don't know- I think - I think you guys should consider leftovers
It will save you time, you don't have to cook as much
Cause it doesn't really take more time to make more servings, it takes almost the exact same amount of time
And then just put it in the fridge and heat it up later
I'm very surprised by this, I cant believe it-
Some foods I don't make extra servings for - like if I'm making a quesadilla I'll just make one, but I can make a quesadilla really fast, that's like a 15 minute endeavor y'know
But if I'm gonna cook something- then I might as well cook extra, even if I'm making fried rice, which is also is very fast- could be 15 minutes maybe a 'lil longer
Even then you might as well make more servings and eat later
But this is also if you're just cooking for yourself.
Yeah like a stew or a curry or a soup, there's no way anyone's gonna make a single serving of homemade soup
Right? I refuse to believe that's something anyone would do
You make one bowl of stew in the crock pot, but why? Why just one bowl?
No no! (laugh) the crock pot is made for multiple servings, I can't believe it
Am I being gaslit, are you guys... (despair laugh)
Its called being single? No but.. (laugh) - It- that's like the benefit, is that you can- you don't have to cook for anybody else
You can have multiple servings all to yourself, its all about the leftovers
[it can be next nights dinner] exactly, you all need to meal prep
[increasingly concerned about chats cooking habits]? I'm imagining they're making like extra-
well you guys said that like 15 minutes is too fast- like I can understand you're making one quesadilla it takes you 15 minutes that's normal
you wouldn't really make a quesadilla to have leftovers with, you wouldn't do that
I can understand if its like a sandwich whatever something fast
but if you're gonna make like a complicated dish like a curry.. or a stew
or a pasta sauce, you're gonna spend like 30 minutes to an hour on one serving, and the next day you're gonna do that again?
How do you even cook for one serving- are you using half a bell pepper and then the next day the other half?
Why not use the whole thing in one go
[Yes]? I don't know... I feel like its almost harder to cook one serving sometimes
Yeah cause you use like half of a bell pepper, half of a tomato... (laugh)
"Recipe said one-third bell pepper", no the recipe said one bell pepper for three servings and you said "I'll divide it in three"
Two-fifths of a broccoli? Now I understand? I don't understand why you must divide it
[Cooking is fun so why not]? I guess so, I agree that cooking is fun but sometimes I'm not in the mood to cook anything
I rather just heat up some delicious leftovers that I made the other day
My leftovers which include one unit of broccoli, one unit of bell pepper, not any weird fractions