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No.52295914 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
who are your top 10 BEST designed vtubers?
remember, best designed does NOT include whether you know, like, hate, or want to fuck them. POPULARITY IS NOT indicative of a good design and might warp your perception of a good design. for example, the first girl is very small and veibae somehow is popular!
I am judging face + outfit together, but face is obviously MUCH more important. therefore, the outfit can afford to be a bit worse, but all that i picked i believe are stellar.

i think the best criteria for a design is:
recognizable without outfit (basically doesnt rely on it),
recognizable even when drawn by bad artists,
recognizable when grayscaled/colored differently,
outfit is well made + recognizable even on OTHER characters,
unique, never before done designs (example, ina's tentacle hair imo),
doesnt OVERLY resemble generic anime designs or rely on them
recognizable even when simplified (doesnt fall victim to the genshin effect),
isnt carried by the mama's artstyle + can be recognize in any art style.
and lastly, the outfit makes sense, either to the lore, color wise, or aesthetics wise.

[obviously dont test all of these criteria at once or you might get a brand new design]

if you want an example of ok outfit but mediocre head, look at nekomata okayu and mysta. they are literally purple catgirl and grey haired dude.
if you want an example of ok head but mediocre outfit, look at gavis bettel and lottie shinju. bettel's outfit is horribly complex and lottie is very basic.

only threw 6 up because image was getting cramped, not in order and no i didnt look through every vtuber ever, these were just the 6 i had in my head. la+ darkness DEFINITELY deserves to be on the list. also no male made it because honestly all fall victim to boring design and mostly carried by accessories. for example, machina x flayon without his fit is just red boy. If i were to replace any of this list, it'd be shiki miyoshino. the rest i feel are absolutely amazing character designs.

id love to hear your thoughts! if you want an explanation of why i chose a particular one, just type their name! also this is NOT saying your oshi is bad if they arent here obviously (my oshi didnt even make the list lmfao). i just absolutely love character design!!!! if you think i have bad taste, i can show you some of my designs as i do draw (although not that good-ly)!