Imagine coming home after a long and tedious day of work. You're exhausted because you hate your work and your normie colleagues made fun of you again and you just want to give it all up but you can't because you need the money. When you approach the door to your appartment, you can already hear quick footsteps coming from the other side. Someone seems to be rushing to the door to greet you... Suddenly, the door swings open, almost hitting you in the face.
>"Big bro, you're so late! Come on, I've been waiting for hours! I prepared all the snacks! It's all ready so hurrs! The mansion is so pog now, I even built a room for you and a game room and a cat room and..."
Lily has been staying at your place every day lately. Her parents work night-shifts, so they're not home until at least 10 AM and once they are, they usually just go to bed right away. It's no wonder a girl like her would get lonely in that kind of situation. When you first met her, she was sitting in front of her appartment door because she forgot to take her keys to school. Since you're neighbors, you let her stay with you until her parents are back. She was shy at first but quickly opened up once she realized you share many interests like anime and video games. Her knowledge about obscure games might even rival yours, and that is saying a lot. Kids these days sure are amazing. You still don't understand why she's so obsessed with calling you "big brother" though.
>"And check this out, big bro! I found a guide online for this automatic sugar cane farm! It works all by itself! It's. So. Cooool!"
Now that you think about it, is this really okay? What would her parents say if they found out you have her a spare key? Maybe you should ask them if they're alright with her staying over. Then again, what if they said no? Are you really prepared to lose all of this? To the average person, this might not look like much. But to you, this girl may be the only thing standing between you and the abyss. The thought of never seeing her again enters your head and you imagine what it was like to come home to an empty, dead appartment late at night.
>"Big bro... are you listening to me? Are you even taking this seriously? I worked on this all day."
Lily, who's been sitting in your lap for a while tilts her head backwards and stares straight up at your face. Her back is comfortably leaning against your belly. It's really soft and warm. Was she taking a bath before you got here?
>"Ah, sorry Lily. I'm just a bit tired from work, that's all."
Instantly, Lily's expression changes.
>"Hmmm... Oooh, big broootheeer... Could it be? Could it actually be? Could it be that you want your little sister to cheer you up? Such a hopeless big brother. But I know something that will definitely cheer you up."
Lily turns around, now sitting in your lap while directly facing you. Her face is so close. This smug look on her face, she is clearly planning to do something... This isn't good. You know there is no way you should let this happen. You've failed as an adult. But for some reason, none of that seems to matter now.
>"Okay big bro, close your eyes and maybe something good will happen."
Lily giggles. She is so close, you can feel and hear her breath now. You close your eyes.