動画勢のリスト / List of Video Content-related Vtubers
Hatoba Tsugu, mysterious little girl wandering around Nishi-Ogikubo, Tokyo
https://www.youtube.com/@HatobaTsuguPmaru-sama, well-known Vtuber-utaite who does many comedy skits
https://www.youtube.com/@Pmarusama/Azumalim, JK /out/chuuba with a particular fondness for the Japanese Super Cub
https://www.youtube.com/@pokopeaOmega Sisters
https://www.youtube.com/@omesisKusuri Maibyou
https://www.youtube.com/@KusuriMaibyouNishizono of the Nishizono Cyberspace Club
https://www.youtube.com/@24zonocnesLaki Station
https://www.youtube.com/@lakistation3739/videosTakumi Shiina, THE Japanese Xbox Vtuber
https://www.youtube.com/@takumishiinaFarmer Hina, Horticulturist Vtuber
I suggest adding and/or editing the short description for the chuubas listed above; I have not checked all of them and thus cannot provide an accurate desc
also I suggest keeping the OP as the way it is and just make this a ritualpost, I prefer not to clutter the OP