>>5305843You *are* the faggot, and no one cares what you're "inspired" to do either you useless underage retard. Pepe is hideous, contrived, template garbage that cannot be "made" or created like unique content precisely because it *isn't* unique content. What it is, is derivative low-quality garbage any faggot like you can make a sloppy, similarly shitty edit of in a few minutes, then start spamming it everywhere. Where your delusions come in is that you mistakenly think you've concocted anything. You haven't concocted anything, you've shat out a pile of garbage that even I could do with no artistic skill whatsoever in a minute at most. But since I'm not an underage tourist like you who lives for the express purpose of shitting in the public pool I'm swimming in (since I'm not quite brain-dead enough for that), I refrain from doing so. You don't have any meaningful or deep machinations, nor are you intelligent, sly or calculating. You have a surface-level understanding of the internet, surface-level diction, and a surface-level nonfunctioning brain that you're actively eroding and decaying to "get back" at others for existing, to no real end other than further decomposing your already putrefying brain. Do you think you've actually achieved something? Because I can guarantee that you haven't; in-fact, YOU are the retard chimping out at people, the mere notion of a website not being a fetid sewer for your parasitic underage kind to shit up incessantly pisses you off to no end, to the extent you need to dedicate the rest of your worthless existence to spamming ugly garbage on whatever website you end up on term, in some short-sighted destructive and impulsive spree, like the retarded animal you are. So in that regard, you're "proud" of being a net-detriment to any location you end up in, online or in real life. So, for that transgression, you don't get to complain when anything negative happens to you in the future, because it's a fully fledged deliverance of karma to you, which is precisely what you deserve.