For retards who don't know about Meiro-Roa case
>Roa is a rare Niji who's faithful to her RP, one she crafted with a friend who's now graduated
>One part of the RP is ending her sentences with "-deyo," which she calls "魔界訛り/devilworld dialect"
>Meiro joins
>Some point after joining, Meiro starts using "-deyo" in her streams despite not doing it in her debut or past life
>Fans notice and start getting on both Meiro's and Roa's cases about it
>This catches Ichikara's attention, and they, knowing that Meiro never used it in her audition, debut, or past life, request that she stop
>Meiro claims that it's just how she talks and requests that they release a statement saying that it's natural
>Ichikara refuses to do it because again, they know that she never used it before and that she's most likely lying, meaning that the statement would be a lie
>Meiro still refuses to stop using it and instead chooses to graduate, sending out the graduation form
>Some senpai Nijis get her to reconsider, and she asks to stop the graduation process
>Ichikara agrees
>Upon coming back, Meiro leaks confidential information related to this ordeal, which is a breach of contract
>Ichikara notices and tells her to take a small break and think about what she has done
>Instead of taking a break, she applies for graduation AGAIN
>And a short while later, she tries to cancel it AGAIN
>However, by this point, Ichikara has had enough of her shit and were reluctant to accept it
>Suddenly, someone clearly on Meiro's side leaks some stuff to Narukami(vkeemstar)
>Meiro is painted as a victim, while Roa is painted as a power-harrassing menhera and Ichikara as a black company
>Roa is cancelled
>Ichikara terminates Meiro immediately, since in their eyes, only she could've leaked it, which is a SERIOUS breach of contract
>Ichikara then puts out a detailed account of the situation from their perspective
>Roa puts out the discord logs that show that, back in summer, she reached out to Meiro to try and have a conversation about it, only to get a single wall of text in response, followed by weeks of ghosting
>With all the information put together, the general opinion starts shifting towards Roa being innocent
>Months later, Meiro('s other identity) releases an ADULT voice drama starring a somewhat familiar-looking agent No. 2535(obvious reference to 2434 — ni ji san ji) of a secret organization called NOA's Ark
>Meiro is now seen as menhera filth and Roa is completely exonerated
>(You are here) Vkeemstar is being trashed for being a retard who believed a menhera's narrative and did serious damage to innocent Roa's career and didn't even apologize for it
So, how is this AnyColor fault again?