>>5380182Arriving at a door, you hastily move inwards. The room is unlike the rest of the ones you’ve maneuvered through, bringing you momentary comfort…but discomfort. You can’t make out the shape of the room itself – all is cast in the same disgusting darkness as the halls outside – but the key figure piece of the room is an ornate full body mirror, seemingly hovering in the center of the room. Cautiously approaching it, your reflection comes into view from the darkness, and you cringe at the sight. You look on the verge of death. Shakily, you take stock of your injuries in the moment of peace. Blood seeps down from a wound in your shoulder. Your fingers are coated in an inky black substance, almost like tar. Bruises and sucker marks form a solid coil around your neck. Examining yourself in the looking glass, you lean in just a bit more. You don’t remember taking this much damage along the way, but…adrenaline is a hell of a thing, you surmise. But something about this seems…wrong, somehow. You look at yourself just a bit more closely, examining your features. Bringing your hand up to your cheek, it all clicks into place. Just barely visible in the low light around the mirror, you can make out the fact that your hands are clean. No inky substance to be found. Your eyes widen as your “reflection” grins, your features quickly growing into an exaggerated rictus of madness. Without warning, it lunges forward. Ina shoots through the glass as you scream, narrowly avoiding her as you stagger backwards, ripping the door open and setting down the hallway. You hear her laughing behind you as your ears ring and heart pounds, the slithering noises growing closer behind you.
Another wave of nausea slams you in the stomach, bringing you to a screeching halt as you lean against one of the inky black walls of the hallway. The texture seems to writhe against your skin like living shadow, the roaring wave of disorientation causing you keel over and vomit on the ground. It comes out a murky tincture of red and black before it promptly is absorbed by whatever surface the “ground” is comprised of. Ina’s laughter echoes from the hall behind you, hastily bringing you to your feet as you haphazardly resume your sprinting. You can hear her behind you. Her breath is at your neck. You’re going to die here. Adrenaline crashes through your veins. Violet eyes dot the hallway, opening and watching you pass as you struggle.
Just before you reach the door, one of the long, slippery appendages coils around your ankle, sharply pulling back as you fall face first. You scream as you’re yanked back painfully, clawing at the shivering ground below you in any attempt to gain purchase while more and more of the seemingly endless mass of tentacles constrict you. Working their way up to your throat, you’re flipped. Ina stays above you, seemingly floating in perfect stillness, the sharp purple hue of her eyes piercing you as her grin widens. Without warning, one of the tentacles plunges into your mouth, squirting a disgusting, caustic substance into your mouth. You attempt to scream, only to gag and forcefully swallow whatever it is Ina pumps into you as she watches with great interest.
Your throat burns as your limbs grow heavy and numb. An awful, searing pain works its way up your body, leaving only that terrible numbness in its place. Your heart, once pounding out of control, begins to gradually slow and relax. Your mind begins to go with it. Ina very slowly begins to descend towards you – or perhaps you’re being lifted. Stopping just shy of you, she leans down, and with a wink begins kissing your forehead. Immediately, pain floods through even the numb areas of your body. You spasm in response as your brain is flooded with knowledge of something…indescribable. Far older than you had initially assumed. Far older than you can begin to comprehend, than any one can comprehend. It could crush you with a passing thought. Yet all you can feel from it is love. Boundless, fathomless love. Affection. Desire. Lust. And Ina was chosen as its priestess. The pain continues to build up as you twitch and shake in agony. You feel like your brain is being scraped out of your skull. Finally, without warning, it stops. Ina pulls away from you, smiling.
“Now do you understand?” She asks coyly.
You don’t have time to respond before you faint.