>>541909601) The worms collab, instead of saying she is busy or not available, she says she will play with "GIRLS" some other time insinuating that she is not taking part because of tempus thereby encouraging the unicorns to shit on them.
2) She shat on Axel's Bad End Night cover by saying it was originally Ina's idea to make the cover and because Axel decided to make the cover before Ina, she was robbed of being part of the cover song.
3) Multiple times, she whines about not having members to collab with and no new "members" when you have 8 new members with tempus. It's ok if she does not want to collab with tempus but the way she words her statements makes it seem that tempus is non-existent and beneath HoloEN girls
5) Her whole reaction to EN3. You can watch the clip. Again completely disregarding 8 new members.
4) Again instead of ignoring the homobegging comment, she takes that opportunity to shit on Tempus and outright says "IT IS NOT GOOD FOR MY PERSONAL GROWTH OR MENTAL HEALTH". This one statement alone enabled tempus antis to hate on them and I am sure some of the boys have managed to hear this because of containment breaking and imagine how mentally demoralizing it feels to hear this from your co-worker comparing them to a disease.
I am sure Magni and Vesper are demoralized and depressed because of unicorn panderers like her and these fanbase. Especially the shitshow bvtm and unicorns created with Vesper raiding her.
If either of them graduates, I will continue to anti her and the rest of the unicorn enablers.