>>547300Because despite on what anons on here project to the rest of the world, most people do not >truly hate trannies, they just don't care that much. The number of people who would "boycott hololive" or become a devoted anti are even smaller. Boycotts are a fucking meme. Hololive likely doesn't care, and would be open to hiring a tranny or a guy who can do a good female voice for their main branch
>but if that were true then why haven't they have hired a tranny or man by nowBecause none have met the strict qualifications. It is not enough to have a 'decent' female voice. You must have a great one. You must have a proven history of streaming or otherwise entertaining content creation. You must have a wide variety of talents. You must not sperg out politically on social media. This filters a vast amount of applicants alone.
Now consider that in America, trannies make up like 0.5% of the population; that's an incredibly small number of people. How many of those are talented enough to make the cut in hololive? How many of those are willing to risk their already stable careers for something that's not guaranteed to last? How many of those are actually smart enough not to go on meaningless political rants online? This leaves you with virtually none. As for men who are comfortable in their sex, the ones who can meet the qualifications would not give up a stable career for that temporary hololive money.
>but what about the antisThey kept Coco and zhangs are far more devoted than any anti in america or japan could ever hope to be. Don't even argue me on this, because you know I'm right. Nothing exceeds the autism of chinese ultranationalists. Nothing.