>Stream often
You are effectively winning the lottery by getting into Hololive. You can at least stream 20 hours a week for the literal millions of dollars you will be likely making throughout your career. The people supporting you work much worse hours for significantly less money. Show them respect by giving them the content they crave.
>IF you are gonna collab with males, let people know early
I'm no unicorn; I don't give a fuck who you stream with as long as everyone is having fun. However, you will save yourself a lot of dumb drama by gatekeeping unicorns out of your fanbase if you know you are gonna do stuff they won't enjoy. Like the unicorns of legend, they will stab you if they catch a hint of you being with a man. If that sounds like a bad time for you, then plan ahead and don't invite them in. Just be smart about it.
>Do not do your unarchived streams or off-collabs without prior notice
This is rude to your fanbase. People have lives outside of you and cannot watch your twitter 24/7 to catch notifications. Let people know ahead of time so they can actually catch the content they want to watch. Even just a four or five hour notice goes a long way.
>Don't shit on your fanbase
You don't have to agree with everything people say about your content. That's normal. But state your opinion in a sensible manner without hostility. In fact, if it's an announcement/discussion stream, run your statement through ChatGPT beforehand and ask it if the statement could come across as hostile. If an AI can figure it out, you are probably messing up your phrasing somewhere. Even when you are right, you do not want to sound entitled. If you harsh the vibe, even the ones that agree with you will find someone nicer to support.
That said, do NOT be a doormat and let some vocal fans have their way when you want something and they don't or vice versa. That's how you burnout. Your content needs to be something you are happy with or you will quickly end up hating your job. Have your way, but be polite about it. Even if some people decide not to support you anymore, you simply need to accept that no content, not even yours, is for everyone. And that's okay.
>Do not give antis attention
As long as you aren't an asshole, most people will reciprocate that kindness back towards you. The ones that don't aren't worth your time. So don't stress about antis, and absolutely DO NOT engage with them. They look crazy to everyone else anyway. I know it's hard to ignore people talking shit, but remember: You are on your way to becoming a millionaire, and they are stuck crying about it on the internet. You already won by default. But if you take the bait, they are just gonna keep on fishing. They want to get under your skin. The more you engage, the more it empowers the trolls and turns off the rest of your fanbase.
>Don't ghost your fanbase if you can help it
Even if you are taking a break, it's nice to at least hear you are doing okay on twitter or community posts. I'm not asking for regular updates on the hour, but hearing something every day or two is good for engagement. Take a moment to let people know how some part of your day went. Obviously if you are in mourning over the loss of a loved one or something, your mental wellbeing comes first so forget all that and take all the time you need.
>If you have a boyfriend don't engage in GFE
Again, I'm not a unicorn; I personally don't care if you are in a relationship or not. However, by encouraging parasocial girlfriend-boyfriend relationships with the fanbase, you need to understand what you are doing. You are being a companion for lonely, often mentally unwell, men and in return you are collecting money for it. Don't betray that trust, sad as it is, by being in a real relationship. It makes you a genuinely awful human being. And don't expect to be the one that has a boyfriend and doesn't get caught either. They always get caught, and it always leads to hate and drama that could have been avoided.
>If you are playing a story-driven game, please pay attention to the story
This one is a pet peeve of mine, so your mileage may vary. While I understand that dead air is a Bad Thing for entertainers, it's also frustrating to watch people play a game and then talk through the cutscenes that explain the plot. Because not even two seconds later will they be confused about what's happening simply because they didn't pay any attention. I'm here to watch you, yes. But I'm also hoping to watch you enjoy the game.
>Never ever bring up politics or religion
This should be a no-brainer, but it deserves being said anyway. It doesn't matter what stance you take on the subject, you are going to piss people off. And all that drama could be avoided if you just didn't bring it up. Many people watch streamers to get away from the drama of the real world. Lecturing, or even pandering, to any political or religious base is going to filter people and generate antis. You don't need the trouble.