I’ll post here because that I wasn’t paying attention when the other Shiori thread (which one, right?) was archived but I figure the anon in question would be in this thread too.
>>54946674I have seen both. The first speaks for itself for its time and focus, though the 2nd always seemed like someone faking it rather than an actual thing.
But those, especially the first one since the 2nd just always seemed unbelievable, are the kind of evidence I’d like to see more. People claim everything they don’t like is the work of something like that but I don’t believe it. I am sure everyone on /vt/ has been accused of being part of such a bogeyman at one time or another. It is like this year’s (mediocre) April’s fools gimmick: once your own posts get tagged as being by the “ai bot” it becomes obvious that others aren’t bots either.
Sorry to bug you about it here anon, I hope you have a nice evening.