>>55092508Male VTubing is FUNDAMENTALLY different from female VTubing, and under current industry conditions, has an extremely difficult time finding success.
Most people have not been able to explain the reason for it. Let me try my hand at it.
A female character in an anime can be tsundere, yandere, kuudere and many other archetypes, but they're all in relation to her behavior towards/relationship with the male lead (in terms of VTubing, this is YOU - the audience). Female anime characters with zero appeal to males are EXTREMELY rare, the only examples I can currently think of are old ladies like Yubaba from Spirited Away and Big Mom from One Piece - and even those characters have weirdos who they appeal to.
Take literally ANY anime girl, and there will be at least ONE moment of involvement with some male character where they display a personality type that appeals to males - even when there's no romance e.g. being a mommy, a little sister, an oneesan, a cute child, a retarded child, a stoic beauty, a sarcastic beauty, some form of gaki etc. etc.
This means that there's a wide range of character expression templates available for a female VTuber. There's literally hundreds and thousands of anime girl archetypes, and every single one of them has SOME appeal in SOME male audiences at least - with a general all-encompassing appeal of just being a cute anime girl on it's own.
There are also female-only anime that can be marketed towards males. Stuff like K-On, Asobi Asobase, Lycoris Recoil etc. where the focus is on the girls and the relationship between them (often more intimate than typical male friendships, but always stopping short of full Yuri) but even there, the focus is on selling those relationships to YOU - the audience. These types of CGDCT shows, but in a livestream setting, is the main appeal of Hololive - the fact that you can interact with these girls directly, while at the same time not disrupting the CGDCT vibe by your actual presence on their stream.
Obviously this applies to male anime characters as well. Women will gush about all sorts of different anime boy archetypes, the glasses guy, the guy who's cold, the nice but psychopathic guy, the "I will fuck you with or without your consent" guy, the science nerd, the cute autist, the book nerd, the himbo etc. etc.
But, while CGDCT can appeal to women as well, male characters don't really appeal to other males - at least in a typical form.
There will be male characters with traits that other males might want to emulate, the protectiveness and power of Goku, the kindness of Tanjiro, the intelligence of Lelouch/Light, the charisma of Gilgamesh, Iskander etc. etc. Most of this stuff cannot really be displayed in the setting of VTubing, as a lot of it will have to do with how the plot progresses in an anime.
This appeal also clashes with the current VTuber industry model.
The "self made man" is a large part of the appeal of males selling to other males, and merch for them is sold on the basis of their existing success. "don't you want to be successful like this guy? buy the shoes he uses! or the shirt he wears!". Stuff like that.
As a male, you can only start selling "yourself" and "your brand" if you are already successful in something, so much so that people want to emulate or be part of that success in some way by buying your stuff. Even underground bands and stuff will need to make good music, and hope it sells well, before they get anywhere - and even then it's not a guarantee unless you can keep continuously putting out good content. Competition is EXTREMELY FIERCE in male spaces.
This appeals to male fleshstreamers as well, all of them are entertaining, funny or talented in some way or another - they show off their talent/success/charisma first and foremost. Their merch also sells on the basis of "see how successful I am! Wanna be a part of it? Buy my shit!". Note how almost every male fleshstreamer grinded for months or even YEARS before getting to the top.
What's your starting appeal as a VTuber? It's your model and your voice.
For women selling to a male audience for the first time, this is an extremely easy sell on the basis of the model appeal, wanting to know if the voice matches, wanting to know their personality, and where it fits into the "anime girl" archetype, and of course, the interactions with existing girls in bigger corpos.
Notice how all of advent fits neatly into some or the other "anime girl" box.
> Shiori = The weird goth girl> Nerissa = The nerdy otaku older girl> Fuwamoco = Cute hyperactive kemomimis> Bijou = The memer gakiFor female VTubers, curiosity and appeal of the model will often lead to their debut stream being their most watched/popular stream for a LONG time.
This applies to even smaller corpos or new corpos.