>>55348967>>55349752>>55351336>>55349331>chumbudsIn it for the cunny, depressed weirdos who think gura is a depressed weirdo like them. Loyal to a fault
>deadbeatsFailed normalfags
>kroniisCrazy people who eat rotten food and assumed kronii was like them because she eats rotten food for fun
>saniggersZealots who still post the 'back hort' meme years later.
>team matesNever get an opportunity to mate.
>InaoidsGet off to the idea of being non-offensive, get very offended when you imply their oshit is not actually comfy and doesn't like them that much.
>sapoidsWhiny needy weirdos, got sad when their oshi reminded them she's basically a normalfag watching them like she's at the zoo.
>bratsOjiisans fantasizing about telling bae about how things were in the 1980s before cellphones.
>NTR crewShiori has already primed them to be the actual diagnosably autistic fanbase, who also get off to being cucked
>hoomoidsCringe dweebs who got their feelings hurt by shitposters early on, have never recovered because mumei is always mysteriously sick, the fact that she is completely scatterbrained only makes them worse.
>irystocratsProbably the actual worst fanbase because they consider themselves above all the other fanbases and are hostile as fuck about it, luckily they stay in their thread fantasizing about irys being a virgin cake
LOL>KFPThe second most obnoxious fanbase as they constantly try to push the idea of Kiara as "/vt/'s favorite holo" when no one voted for her to be king. Intensely aggressive about it. Large numbers of yuri fetishists.
>BejewsBijou is too normal to ever spawn a truly mindfucked fanbase, but I can see them getting obnoxious with the gemsonas in the future.
>/caw/They will become incredibly fucking annoying as the "who is the best singer, mori, nerissa or irys" turns into a seething competition between these fanbases.
>fuwaTitty lovers, can't go wrong there. However the "fake fans dislike fuwamoco" meme means that eventually they will push "liking every fuwamoco stream" as a purity test and accuse other fanbases of being fake fans for preferring their own oshit, leading to all out whore.
>mocoHer fans will post "un un" everywhere and it will get old after a while.