>>604772There are three problems though. First one is that there is absolutely no conclusive evidence that any of this is true. Second is that it is true and known that she has obssessed antifags, harassers and creeps that are trying to ruin everything she works on since before hololive and that might as well be you. Third is, even if it were true, I don't see why the fuck I should even care. Kiara is not my girlfriend, she has her flaws, but her positives outweight the negatives much more. Everyone in Hololive talks about how good it is to work with her and how kind, polite and considerate she is, contrary to what retards here are always trying to paint. Subaru, Polka, Rushia, Shion, Marine, Matsuri, Sora, all her genmates, Ollie, Reine all have positive attitudes towards Kiara, admire her or talk to her constantly. Somehow I am supposed to dismiss all of them and believe retards incapable of reading social cues such as you? Fuck off.