>>56194838>Now ask yourself why a grifter faking her illness for money would bother giving so much of that money to charity and broadly raising awareness for plasma donationsBecause that's exactly what you would expect of a really good grifter.
>And ask yourself why someone who has made as many friends as Mouse has never once had any genuine doubt cast on her illness, now 6 years into her streaming careerArgumentum ad populum
>That's an awful long time to keep such a complicated lie running and an awful lot of people to keep convincedAppeal to tradition.
Everything you said is either obvious or a fallacy. So I'll reiterate my initial point, there is absolute no evidence she could provide outside of a pure independent third party audit to prove her condition. I'm not pro or anti mouse, I don't care about her and don't watch her I was just making a point that calling her condition into question is just a nothingburger since it can never be proven.
>>56194969Your just repeating logic fallacies like appeal to authority. Unless the IDF has released documents from a third party indenpdent investigator which prove her condition, there is no evidence that isn't simply a fallacy or speculation.
To set the record straight, I believe her. My girlfriend has a similar condition and is sick constantly and mouse's experiences mirror that of my girlfriend, but from a purely logic and evidence based standpoint, there's no proof other than circumstantial.