>>56440396There are a couple easy tells where people could ask her and we'd be able to tell. she'd have to had specifically have thought ahead of time and been taught what the answers were to successfully bluff her way through someone who actually-was a 90s kid. some easy tells:
>what was your first pokemon gamethe correct answers are red, blue, green or yellow, on a gameboy pocket or gameboy color (a lot of kids got a gameboy just for pokemon so it was a pocket, although some had the older brick-sized one already).
Since she's a girl it's very possible she had or liked Beanie Babies and may have had or wanted a Furby. Also there are things zoomers may not necessarily intuit or realize where they'd reveal themselves as not having been there, like if they ever claimed they had broadband in the 90s (this was extremely unlikely for home users, it was a 56k world - actually a lot of households did not even have a PC, much less one with internet access). or if they had a phone as a kid, in the 90s those were strictly important for business and couldn't really do anything else besides call anyway (or play Snake). A zoomer probably doesn't know how a landline works, like what would you do for a party line, what does *69 do, did your family have an answering machine and so on. the more she talks the more clear it'll be or not.