Enma was never real.
Jenma and Jchad actually exist as singular people who had dedicated characters developed for them.
"Enma" was just a catch-all blob for all various managers as a whole, back in the beginning when the EN girls were still unsure about how to handle manager-characters (for example, how much even to share about their specific managers at all vs. how strict to stick to their "talk as little as possible about behind-the-scenes stuff" company directive).
After "Enma" appeared (slotting in the L4D collab), and the fans ran wild with the concept (there was a tangible "hunger" from the EN audience to have some kind of EN-Achan as an embodiment of management to relate to) making fanart and stuff, some girls saw the positive reaction and began to build and differentiate their own actual manager characters (Jenma for Kiara, Ame and Gura, most of it coming from Kiara because she's closest with her, and Jchad for Mori), and the "Enma" character was slowly left in the dust - coincidentally, who was Enma even managing? Oh, Ina (who also created "her" official design). Now, Ina is also the one who talked the least about her actual personal manager, and you can make your own conclusions as to why (maybe because she knows we wouldn't like the revelations).
Anyway, long story short, the most plausible explanation is that Enma was basically Omegatranny (who was also AO, isn't it "interesting" that the supposed director of the whole EN branch also moonlighted as Ina's personal chat mod in the early days, and from the minecraft leaks we know he's also her old XIV raid buddy...), i.e. a male and that's why Ina never went much further into detail about her "personal manager", and as Omega had already finally realized his goal of self-inserting himself into HoloEN lore with his own chuuni god character by the time Council came around, they both have no use for the empty diversion of the "Enma" shell character anymore, so we never really heard from it again.
Thank god that fag has been kicked to the curb, and HoloEN is healing from his retarded reign of terror.