>>57247697There's not really much to tell that isn't obvious. You could pay an intern peanuts to sit and watch Randon, but if you're looking to enforce a contract or court order of any sort (NDA, non-compete, insurance fraud, restraining order, alimony, etc,) you need very solid proof of a breach, so you can take it to court. The intern couldn't provide that unless Randon was talking shit in public, openly and explicitly. He's an independent work-from-home contractor, so they can't search his computer, and don't have access to any private communications that weren't on his work accounts. If he rented an iPhone from them for face tracking (I think he said he did), they could do costly forensics on it, but there's no way that Mr. OpSec did anything wrong with company-owned accounts/hardware anyway, so it's moot.
If they don't suspect anything specific, then they'd have to pay a someone to surveil him constantly and just hope he fucks up, which is going to add up very fast. I don't know what PIs run in his neck of the woods, but you'd probably be paying a company a minimum of $100/hr to sit and watch every second of his schizo ranting streams, comb through all of his online activity, and sit in a car outside of his house/apartment and just hope that he goes somewhere and does something incriminating in plain sight. They could also create opportunities for him to fuck up, and record it, similar to what Project Veritas does. Maybe have him incidentally run into a modestly attractive woman who loves the same stuff as him, and they go on a date where he talks about his last job a little too much. Either way, you're talking about a huge amount of man hours and money for some fucking anime streamer. Well over $1000/day.
It's just absolutely not worth doing that preemptively unless you think he has some kind of company-altering secret info on his hands, and a serious axe to grind. A true Final Yab. There are real cases where that kind of thing is warranted, (IE, politicians and their spouses) but this is far from it.
But to be clear, I will absolutely do it anyway. Cover, if you're reading this, hit me up, I would like to be paid to watch Randon, ktthx