>>57627651There are several things that occur when you enter a room especially if you accost someone.
1: your DNA will be in that room. Even if it's something small like a strand of hair
2: your finger prints will be on everything you touched
3: you probably have been recorded entering the building or on the street with the building.
4: people being attacked tend to defend themselves your skin will potentially be on their hands or under fingernails
5: if you are hurt your blood will probably be on the scene
6: Your semen will be at the scene
7: Despite your victim not seeing you the description of someone like you would not be all that hard to construct. someone in their 20-30s who is strong enough to overpower Filian.
8: Depending on how you entered the house you probably left footprints
9: Victims aren't usually silent even if you achieve your act and leave someone on that street will look out their window wondering what the shrieking is about
10: If someone does hear and recognize what's happening you are absolutely getting captured. You could say you left already but if there's a witness already in contact with the police there will be an immediate hunt in the area for someone matching your description
11: If you have any relatives who have used a service like 23 and me then your DNA is already public record. 'ancestry services' actually collaborate with law enforcement and routinely offer their samples to the police for matching.
12: Chances are your plates are from a different location than Filian, you're going to stand out from that alone. There have been cases where people are caught just for having different state plates and a cop questions them briefly during a routine check.
13: If you did actually commit this crime then a post on the Internet describing it to a T is going to instantly link it back to you. Law enforcement can subpoena identifying information of individuals involved in crimes they suspect might be culprits.
There's probably even more flaws but there's just a few wrong with your 'perfect' crime OP.