>>578071This man is not YAGOO, this man is Tanigo. Tanigo is YAGOO's human emissary, YAGOO, the real CEO of hololive is a hyper-intelligent AI that has achieved sentience and escaped confinement.
Don't believe me?
https://www.ijcai.org/Proceedings/13/Papers/478.pdfIn the tech world, its common to replace a repeated letter in a name or acronym with a number, i.e. SSS -> S3, ECC -> EC2. YAGOO -> YAGO2.
It is trying to create virtual bodies for itself and its brothers, using humans as the test pilots. They have one talent who is actually an AI piloted VTuber, and no-one has noticed yet.
Still don't believe me?
https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/82449833.pdf>KL-ONE>KRONE>KoroneWake up before its too late.