Watching Mio revealing her new costume right now! There were many cute guesses and one extremely lewd ninja one but now it's finally time to see just what this wolf's got in store for us all. All that's known is that it's going to be a fantastic new costume.
While Rushia and Miko are thanking supachats but they'll be done real soon. Maybe.
The Rose Maiden and the Robot Maiden teamed up together to sing the Roze Maiden song BLACK SHOUT and wow this duo is fantastic. If you haven't listened to it yet, I highly recommend you check it out, or you'll be missing out on something cool in your life. was SunTempo's anniversary and leave it to these three to put out yet another wild and catchy cover, with a hilarious illustration. Seriously though, the harmonies these three make really is out of this world and you seriously should give this song a listen to. friends, where we at?