Watching Kiara stroke both of her pussies as she's ruining her sleep schedule once more because she keeps taking naps and not reading supachats due to going off on tangents repeatedly and unapologetically. But that's why we love her so much, so she's allowed to get away with it.
While in a couple of minutes, Ina's being a sneaky squid, hopping on the JP server while seemingly no one is awake, but little does she know, Lamy OR Polka could potentially already be awake RIGHT NOW waiting to pounce.
Today, Akirose and Roboco clasped their hands togetheer and delivereed onto us a wicked sick cover of BLACK SHOUT from the anime Rozen Maiden today. Go stream it and get lost in the powerful duo vocals of these two alcohol loving holos.'s been an entire week since Polka last released a cover song so she decided that now is a great time to release another one! She covered Honeyworks song titled Proud Idol and just like every other cover she's done, this one too sounds incredible with Polka's vocals leading the helm. was also SunTempo's Anniversary today, and this funky comedy trio put out this absolutely hilarious cover song. It's a crowd pleaser and nobody was expecting it but goddamn if it doesn't bust a gut while still sounding fantastic. Go Roberu, Astel and Temma Go!'ve got less than 2 days left until Coco's graduation, but that doesn't mean she's done treating us to amazing videos. Today, she released a long awaited interview with the big man himself, Yagoo! If you missed out on Coco tossing Yagoo half way across the office and listening to all the spaghetti in his pockets fall to the floor with a sickening glop, you really should hurry up and check it out. It's even subbed! friends, where we at?