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Vtuber financial future concernfagging

No.58271283 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone else watch their oshi and think to themselves, "Damn, I hope she's saving some of that money"?. I don't know how much the highest earning chuubas make, but I doubt it's so much they never have to worry about money for the rest of their lives.

Being an anime girl on the internet playing games is not a viable long-term strategy. Even the highest earning v-tubers won't have shit to show for it when they reach retirement age unless they save and invest. Do you think any of the Hololive girls are speaking to financial advisors? Probably not.

If Gura, for example, is the scheming blue jew people say she is, then she has some kind of plan for the future. This all might sound silly, but as a person with a 401k, it's something I think about occasionally.

What do you think? Is there something I'm not taking into account?