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Hi there, while I noticed you've been wanting to encourage to improve themselves, You aren't suggesting any clinically approved or recommended actions to take.
Part of the issue to improving is to actually go to a doctor. By a doctor I mean going to a licensed physician. I would recommend going to a licensed physician you feel comfortable with as certain doctors can be aloof or apathetic. Ask for a check-up on your physical condition as it is part of the reason for why improving yourself is necessary.
If you are worried about the cost of your healthcare, I would recommend looking up trusted websites and organizations in your city/state/province who can help you with financial aid. Many amounts of financial aid go unused due to people not spending the time on the internet to check their eligibility.
It is important to understand that finding a therapist is similar to speed dating. Some therapists, like doctors, can be more aloof, withdrawn, or enforce your behaviors. It's important for your therapist to point out your issues and issues you didn't realize you had. While I understand you have feelings against therapy as you could simply fix your problems yourself, the fact you haven't done so for a good amount of time is evidence to support access to your therapy. Sometimes it'll feel as if you're stuck in circles with your therapist, which can be demoralizing. It's important to pipe up about it with your therapist.
Well, seeing as this thread has gone to shit, perhaps I could put some websites below for therapy or reduced prescription prices. This mainly applies to the United States.