>>58917830I've been on 4chan since the dawn of time. A single post/thread expressing feelings about a person, including myself, is almost meaningless unless it also happens to contain an unusually profound thought, which is obviously the exception. I'll periodically search the archive for mentions of myself, both to gauge broad sentiment, and to see if I can learn anything useful for improving. But calling it "ego searching" is a bit much. It's more like market research on a demographic that I happen to be part of.
Seeing positive conversation about yourself feels good, and negative vice versa, but focusing too hard on either one gets dangerous fast, which I think is part of why so many chuubas have the meltdowns they do. Many are brand new at being new entertainers, and aren't actually used to being loved, or seeing the brutality (fucking lol) that places like 4chan can dish out, which is usually out of sight, out of mind, for people who spend their lives in online hugboxes.
Also, I'm pretty sure that being a vtuber at all requires being slightly unhinged, so they were always the perfect person to be destabilized and experience the absolute highs and lows of emotions based on what some equally unhinged idiot /here/ says.
tl;dr, Yeah, probably. t. total nobody