[315 / 129 / 36]

1MiB, 1024x1024, pink_gamecube[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F79lb4l.mp3].webm
Quoted By: >>59288327 >>59321664 >>59338425 >>59358491 >>59408814
We love Pink Woman!
Welcome to /pink/! A place where you can discuss pink-themed chuubas from different companies. Discussion of any Pink Chuuba is welcome here no matter which language they speak!
>Extensive List of pink chuubas:
Have some pink chuubas that aren't on the rentry? post them in the thread and they will get added.
Because for some reason pink chuubas are very popular and we love pink women, Pink unity!
>But X chuuba is bad!
Ignore the unnecessary hate and just believe in Pink Unity, because all Pink Women are in fact good!
>/pink/ OP Template:
Related threads that include Pink Chuubas:
>>>/vt//Hololive Global/
>>>/vt//森 カリオペ/
Previous thread: >>59094139
Welcome to /pink/! A place where you can discuss pink-themed chuubas from different companies. Discussion of any Pink Chuuba is welcome here no matter which language they speak!
>Extensive List of pink chuubas:
Have some pink chuubas that aren't on the rentry? post them in the thread and they will get added.
Because for some reason pink chuubas are very popular and we love pink women, Pink unity!
>But X chuuba is bad!
Ignore the unnecessary hate and just believe in Pink Unity, because all Pink Women are in fact good!
>/pink/ OP Template:
Related threads that include Pink Chuubas:
>>>/vt//Hololive Global/
>>>/vt//森 カリオペ/
Previous thread: >>59094139