>60046927>(You) can literally see that it's a bullshit crop because of the aspect ratio and the lyrics text is cut off>This guy barely counts as male and it's another woman on the other side btw>also it's literally his birthday and this is one segment in a huge singing celebration with a ton of actually talented singers, including himselfkys.
>60051364Unironically I don't get how (You) think it isn't. kys.
>60052192Yes, she thinks like a sane person. kys.
>>60052678I'm raging because the catalog is shit enough already without retards like OP pulling this shit. The worst part is that there are even lower-IQ specimens lurking around for whom this shitty bait actually works. He even fucking brags in /tsunx/ about doing it.
>>60053136>you tourists really gotta do your reps>implying they don't deliberately lie for (You)s, e.g. >>60053487>60053452This is as bullshit as saying "white people are racist". kys.
>60054167kys, but go back to /pol/ first so they can deal with the corpse.
>>60054758>schizos>plural>>60055667based and sanepilled