>>60901945I thought the octocamo was an improvement on the camo menu from 3
I thought the more action and gunplay focus was strange, but it did make for some tense situations where I managed to use stealth despite it trying to force me into a gun fight
I thought the characters were a bit flanderized though a lot of them ended with pretty satisfying conclusions
I thought that the inclusion of so many options made repeat playthroughs bearable
I thought the Rex v Ray bossfight was pure fanservice, but grew to like it after playing through that segment on multiple runs
I thought that the 4 bosses weren't nearly as memorable and relied on Drebin or Pycho Mantis to make me care about them
I thought that it was funny that you could feel up the female FROG soldiers and they would kick you in the nuts
I thought the world building was interesting and wish it was explored a bit more.
I thought the final fist fight was kino
Overall, I agree its the worst mainline title but its still better than some of the other slop I bought for the ps3