>>61230507>>61230324your oshi writes lyrics like neaky neaky neaky and is the laughingstock of the internet, gets 2k ccv on streams no one gives a fuck about to shill music people give even less of a fuck about
she peaked on her debut with RIP and that one time she cried about akasupa spam and will never relive those days, high on meds or wine or whatever makes her barely functional as she shits out more studio mandated garbage music
the rest of EN has fun without her, she hasn't been involved in any collabs for ages and CHADcast is fucking dead
Kiara moved on to Nerissa and various other women, even being closer to holos like fucking Mumei than Mori
meanwhile Gura will earn more in her bi-monthly one-off streams than Mori does in her daily streams, will get more views on said streams than Mori does on her music and will still be more beloved by jp as 'same-chan' than Mori ever will be
cope and seethe and keep screaming into the void you worthless retard