Watching the Ambassador of Tales of Arise Takanashi Kiara completely gush and promote her favorite series of all time, being incredibly cuter than usual and excited and nervous. Also getting free art from the official artist of your favorite series must be absolute bliss, Kiara deserves it though, she's lovely.
While Korone's celebrating her milestone of being subscribed by every single person in the world as well as some off worlders in our vast universe. She's singing around having a great time with Listener-san who is not an abuse victim.
While Marine's actually sick and tired of being chased around by zombies in RE2 and has moved from shrieking in horror to begging for forgiveness. She's also completely enamored by Ada Wong. But like who wouldn't.
While Okayu's dodging and weaving because she doesn't want to get pounded by flying chain chomps but she's doing a PISS POOR job at doing that. Well it's okay because she's not the most irritated that she's ever been and doesn't want to fight...yet.
While Botan's swimming around in Minecraft, tending to her Upa Lupas in their nice little roof pond. while upgrading their living space and making it more accessible and pretty.
While Roboco's working hard on her topography art once again, holding onto her map and gathering up all the materials she needs in order to make beautiful art.
While Iofi's doing some very cute drawings today, showcasing some lovely PITS and a beautiful long flowing dress. Surely she can get some SSRs with this offering RNG gods.
While the panties that Moona wears talks to her sometimes and it tells her to pick up ATM machines and bash the shit out of yakuza members, but not kill them because the protagonists of Yakuza NEVER kill. Ever. The ATM machine is actually made out of rubber.
While Luna's showing off her rhythm game powers that she loves to bring out by playing some fun and light Project DIVA. She's humming adorably to all the songs so go check her out if you want cute baby noises.
While Lamy's hunts were really successful today and she's now cooling everyone off with a nice supachat reading.
While Pekora's over at Twitch with her nousagis as they watched The MASK. You can head over to to catch the rest of it.
While Aruran has enlisted the radical help of Miyabi as his underground Upa Lupa breeding facility MUST continue to grow. Miyabi's actually pretty impressed at this mass production of Upa Lupas, it's more than just a factory at this point.
While manager Roberu is back at it again, raising a team of up and comers to become great baseball stars. He's having the time of his life right now.
Did you see that Kanata released her remix of Soran Bushi that she plays at the beginning of her stream? Are you man enough to have already listened to it over and over again, or are you a little girly girl and shyed away from it because it's too powerful? released a cover of Akari has Arrived! It's such a perfect fit for the Elite idol and you can't help but have a great big smile listening to Miko make all these noises come out of her mouth. There's also a nice heart felt message in the song so really you've gotta go check this one out. friends, where we at?
20 hours left until my oshi's return to streaming.