>>61524420you don't understand how genetics works at all if you think there's this one magic 'love your children gene' and that every time there is a mother who is unloving to their children a mutation has happened which specifically just turns this one magic gene off
this is clearly just a convenient excuse to get around the paradox of you thinking women are naturally evil except when it comes to your mom, you're just handwaving the contradiction away by appealing to genetics as if it's magic and just making shit up as you go along
>what do you think a sociopath is?a term to describe someone who is lacking in empathy and has no sense of guilt at committing immoral actions, caused by a combination of genetics and a fucked up upbringing
people who are not full blown psychos can act 'sociopathic' sometimes in that they can be impulsively cruel or lacking in empathy in certain cases but actual genuine psychopaths are rare - to think that an entire biological sex of people are all born psychopathic is just absurd and humanity would not have survived past the ice age if this were true
>most people aren’t sociopathsexcept half of the entire population according to you lol
>what do you make of faggots and dykes? people who think they’re trannies?I don't get what your point here is supposed to be; there are anomalous minorities of people in the population, therefore it's possible that an entire half of the whole population could all be born with some genetic mishap? That's fucking stupid, in fact it argues against your own point
again though; if you think women are all lying sociopaths - and even the hololive girls are like this but just faking being nice to not lose their jobs - why the fuck would you keep watching and enjoying them if you think there is such an ugly truth behind it?
you would have to be pretty psychopathic yourself to think 'yeah these women are all evil cunts and I know how they really are, but I still like them anyway and will keep watching them with no moral qualms about it.'
You're obviously just confused and coping.