>>6227775>>6227767Nothing based to it, just acceptance of the obvious. That being females of the west aren't bright enough to be good entertainment, and too hostile to not bite their own tail, as well cannot shut the hell up about politics. Why is this? Because that's all they know about entertainers, all over the TV is the same type of losers. The kind that can't handle any criticism, yell about stopping big bad politics while treating people like shit, and are too stupid to realize they're the reason western entertainment on TV sucks ass. Look at any of Holo EN, if they started chanting blm, or Trump, or biden, or any politics it would have ostracized a big portion of possible veiwers, and note they know the lines not to cross and how to tease veiwers without damaging themselves, and they're smart enough to just ignore the bullshit, besides the Twitter trannies flooding Kiara and Mori's stream flooding fag shit they stay away from most of that, besides friendly banter and jokes that anyone with any good friendship knows is jokes. This is because I think they let the entertainment hang around with eachother for a bit before letting them out to the world. Then you have Vshojo that does politics, and iirc most don't even break a million subs and if I had to guess biggest it'd probably be melody or iron mouse. The reason they're not bigger is their corp and entertainment are both too stupid to stay outside of politics, not to say Melody or Iron Mouse aren't entertaining, it just seems like they're the only ones smart enough to shut up, even if their corp isn't (see homo suicide hotline fundraising stream that they're doing.). As much as I like some of the people involved, I fear it's a time bomb. As is most of western entertainers.