RED: 46 + 30 = 76*
WHITE: 38 + 20 = 58*
YELLOW: 23 + 10 = 33*
* - unsure
RED: (10 + 5 = 15) + (20 + 17 = 37) + (16 + 18 + 12 = 46) + (30pts) = 128
WHITE: (5 + 15 = 20) + (20 + 20 = 40) + (7 + 12 + 19 = 38) + (20pts) = 118
YELLOW: (15 + 10 = 25) + (20 + 18 = 38) + (11 + 5 + 7 = 23) + (10pts) = 96
POINTS: 15pts (1st), 10pts (2nd), 5pts (3rd)
ROUNDS: 1 / 2
RED: 7pts (2nd) / 5pts (3rd)
WHITE: 2pts (3rd) / 13pts (1st)
YELLOW: 12pts (1st) / 12pts (2nd)
POINTS: 20pts (finish the race before the timer is up), 18pts (2nd), 17pts (3rd)
ROUNDS: 1 / 2
RED: 20pts (1st - Biboo) / 17pts - DNF (3rd - Chloe)
WHITE: 20pts (2nd - Roboco) / 20pts (1st - Kiara)
YELLOW: 20pts (3rd - Sui) / 18pts - DNF (2nd - Anya)
POINTS: 15pts (1st), 10pts (2nd), 5pts (3rd) / 1pt bonus (killing the leader)
ROUNDS: 1 / 2 / 3
RED: 16pts (1st - 27 kills) / 18pts (1st - 27 kills) / 12pts (2nd - 24 kills)
WHITE: 7pts (3rd - 17 kills) / 12pts (2nd - 26 kills) / 19pts (1st - 41 kills)
YELLOW: 11pts (2nd - 21 kills) / 5pts (3rd - 12 kills) / 7pts (3rd - 18 kills)
POINTS: 30pts (1st), 20pts (2nd), 10pts (3rd)
RED: 30pts (1st)
WHITE: 20pts (2nd)
YELLOW: 10pts (3rd)