>>62012387The logic goes both ways. You are in an unnatural environment that affects your ability to satisfy unnatural demands. Part of that unnatural environment is synthetic materials and stimuli that impact your neurochemistry and habituate you to maladaptive behaviours. For some reason normie anti-psychiatry fags see this state of affairs and conclude that you're either being a pussy, should go live in the woods or just continue to take it up the ass. This is not a realistic or helpful way to think.
The issue with psychiatry is not the drugs, its the framework. The whole "chemical imbalance" narrative is bullshit as well as the idea that the only valid use of the drugs is to treat professionally diagnosed "pathologies". This also assumes that average person is "healthy" and that this is a good baseline to compare "sick" people to. The pathologies stem from the environment and most modern people suffer from them in some way.
Psychiatry's metric for success is not your happiness or wellbeing but rather your "functionality". So they'll put little Timmy on Adderall, stunt his growth and call it a success because he was able to spend hours listening to a post-wall psycho-bitch struggle to recall how to add fractions.
My psychiatrist put me on antidepressants that made me feel like shit but he wouldn't let me come off them because I was "functional". I had to figure out how to wean off on my own. If he had listened to me and let me try more drugs I would have recovered but I had to order grey market pharmaceuticals from India instead. Unlike what normies will tell you, this actually worked for me and I am now able to live without drugs.
You should be taking more drugs. You should be experimenting with grey market prescription drugs. You should be self administering therapy techniques from books you bought online. You should be doing this even if you are healthy. You should be taking drugs as a form of self-improvement. Don't let yourself be a victim of your environment.