>>62388585only the ones falling for rich people's bullshit. notice how this all started after occupy wallstreet was all like "hey you make all this money just from owning stuff no fair", you know, because that's the beginning of actual communism and stuff? so every SJW who champions these "kind" issues is ultimately just a shill without even knowing it, here to get the energy of literally anything flowing down and punching down away from the wealthy. like to the point we suspect trannies do it knowingly to reproduce the only way they actually could, through memetic brood parasitism cuckoo bird egg switcheroo bullshit. they're not even enjoying themselves they just want to be a mom.
what's worse is I bet the niji CEO knows all that but also sees a demographic. confuses the hell out of me though, why walk this far away from your own culture only to bring those values into it? why move to Texas and vote blue? cause that's what being a pro-left anime fan basically is. we're already fleeing you as hard as we can damn it, stop following.