>>63164917>You have no power besides being obnoxious retardsBecause of the way vtubing culture turns any public forum besides 4chan into a hugbox, /vt/ has outsized influence on its medium for a 4chan board. Obviously, this board doesn’t have a direct influence on the day-to-day—you’re not going to make your oshi stream today no matter how much you seethe.
But this board does reflect the fandom in some ways—people kept down the hate for Tempus for a bit until male spam and no EN3 tested people’s patience. Sure, many people gave schizo reasons for hating them, but fans hating something and not knowing why they hate it is common enough.
It takes time to realize “/vt/ is often right about a vtuber becoming shit but gives unhinged reasons for why that make it easy for that vtuber’s defenders to play defense” as a visitor. You might never realize it if you’re a vtuber. But you’ll probably have an intuition that some of these people aren’t just trolls.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Gura saw all the hate and had a gut feeling it was the schizo, unfiltered version of a common opinion many chumbuds who aren’t /here/ also have.