After further investigation, I realized that many of us have been victims of propaganda and misinformation, accusing any argument against it as a product of chink nationalism, while American nationalism is just as bad or even worse. I have noticed that there is no 100% reliable evidence that she betrayed or harassed her colleagues, and everything seems to be a fabrication. Digging deeper into posts from that era, I realize that a war of trolls, proxies, and false flags from both sides makes it difficult to distinguish what really happened. However, every story has two sides, and we only hear the part that is anti-China. Many clipniggers and drama channels are just that, anti-China propaganda, and the comments are like bots, people without their own opinion who just repeat what others say.
I'm not saying she's 100% innocent, but she's not hitler either, or Mao?
>inb4 chink
I'm not a chink but I'm not a burger so I can watch this from a more objective POV