>>6449867480% of the content on this board is some paid shill or disorder retard raider starting shit to showoff to other spastic in their home server and act like this makes them a relevant person in their own little world. Problem for them is they think THEY'RE the raiders and not just another one of many in the long lines of fags falseflagging and astoturfing on 4chan, and the angry replies generated by their post are just other people baiting outrage and merely pretending to be angry. It's another case of "Trolls Trolling Trolls" whose only effect is rendering the board unusable for the small sliver of people who come here organically and with good intentions. There is no major talking point on this board that hasn't been supplanted by genuine fags with no concept of acting out of genuine interest. Pro OR Anti. Every side of every argument consists mostly of sockpuppets LARPing as passionate posters while their true identity is little more than a lowly rat with the emotional intelligence of a 13 year old in a fat old bastard's body. Safely discard any notion of actual discussion on this board, even more than any other.