>>64555813>>64556112A collection of criticisms towards specific vtuber actions?
I'm not sure how these are supposed to be some le epic owned pieces. Most of them are worded pretty respectfully too. None of them are calling the girls slurs (like unicorns), nor are they upset at the idea of the boys collabing with girls (like unicorns), and none of them, once again, show a vendetta against a specific gender (like unicorns).
Agree or disagree, they're all just expressing their grievances of certain actions. Unicorns have meltdowns and threaten death for much less. They get angry at people for existing, not anyone's particular actions
>>64556155See, you're just making shit up. No one gives a shit and the catalog is fine. You know what? The shitposting that does happen is still from unicorns in these cases, because they use little moments like that to gloat and shill their culture war. Like any of kiaras comments, "bummer i guess" for instance. You guys eat that shit up like breakfast, I remember that.