>>6459780typical edits are to trim stage banter and leading silence, use highpass and notch filtering to remove excessive mic rumble, and extend reverb tails at the end of a track. in some cases i need to restore missing parts of a backing track. sometimes she pauses in the middle of a song, or starts and stops several times, and i try to piece together a complete run of the song from what's there. i always hope it's never more complex than these things.
but... sometimes it is more complex, and i'll have to use an inverted backing track remove the instrumental, so i can edit out a gap in the vocals and then put the whole thing back together. sometimes it's mainly about smoothing out levels in the instrumental, like "renai circulation" and the most recent "cups", where there's an inverted backing track used to reduce the volume in some places, and then another non-inverted copy of the backing track with a gain envelope on it, to undo gain changes she made during the song and produce a consistent volume level.
"ashita kuru hi" from saturday was the most complex and invasive one so far; i used an inverted copy of the original highly-distorted backing track she sang over to remove it from the mix, then used mid-side processing techniques to extract the center (vocal) from that to get rid of more residual distortion products, and replaced the backing track with a time-compressed version from an alternate source. i ended up mixing in a little of the raw extracted vocal (without further mid-side extraction) because her sibilants were too badly distorted by the center channel extraction.
overall my goal is to preserve her performance as faithfully as possible, favoring the final or most-preferred mix she used during a song, while removing technical flaws to create a recording without distractions that's suitable for listening either in the context of all the files in sequence from a stream, or an arbitrary playlist taken from the whole archive.